Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
06.09.2007 |
I do not know as there in other part of the Galaxy, and at us the rain goes on Fridays. We this day just approach(suit) to the sea, razgarjachennye, dusty and sweaty. And to not soil us a public reservoir an office of heaven brings down on heads of tourists streams of a rain.
Written by Èðà Øàðòàâñêàÿ èç Äíåïðîïåòðîâñêà
06.09.2007 |

the Story about a hike « Above the sea » (19.-24.08.2007)
I wish to share the impressions about a recent hike « above the sea ». Though this our hike can be renamed safely in « run on deserted plateaus » as we more or less adhered to the planned route exactly two days. All rest - was the continuous improvisation caused by exhausting heat and sharp shortage of water (many sources have simply dried up).
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
30.08.2007 |
I sit in an internal court yard of the Bakhchsarai palace. Crowds of tourists are around trambled down.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
29.08.2007 |
Stealing up to Yew gorge (plateau chatyr-ñáú), I have noticed ahead of a wild boar and have told about it(this) to the tourists. But it(he) so has quickly disappeared in bushes, that anybody plainly has not had time to consider(examine) it(him). All were already going to be afflicted in this occasion as the wild boar has appeared again.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
29.08.2007 |
Anna from Berlin, living in Zurich, has told about travel across Canada together with the guy (at present already was(former)) from Holland...
Such here globalization :)
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
28.08.2007 |
Yesterday during descent(release) in an ice cave Big Buzluk well-known cardboard camera Konrada Zjuskova has been tragically lost. Being practically on the day(bottom) of an accessible part of a cave, Konrad has established(installed) the camera on an ice block and has opened an objective. The staff promised to be shaking(amazing;tremendous). But suddenly it is not known whence the undertaken impulse of a wind has overturned the easy(light) cardboard camera and that on eyes at the stupefied owner smoothly has slid off downwards. All have gasped... :)
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
15.08.2007 |
Today our German tourists have pleased all with one more overseas dikovinkoj - the cardboard camera. Much to my astonishment it was not the disposable cardboard chamber from a supermarket, and a homemade product collected from a cardboard box and an insulating tape.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
15.08.2007 |
Our yesterday's lodging for the night I has decided to arrange not on habitual poljanke at lake Kutuzovskogo, and in storonke under the canopy of a beechen wood.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
14.08.2007 |
Not looking at my preventions(warnings) what to read there will be no time, tourists persistently take with themselves in mountains of the book. Today our German guest "was lit" with tolstennoj the book.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
14.08.2007 |
Inconsistent feelings cover you when you sitting on the heated Crimean slope see a coming nearer cloud.